HOW TO: Design Your Own Charm Bracelet

Sunday, June 21, 2015

If you had the chance to design your own piece of jewellery, what would you create? Would it be something that expresses your stand out style or an artful piece to remind you of a special moment in time?

The Emma & Roe Collection by Michael Hill lets you become the designer and create an individually inspired piece to stand out from the rest. Known for their charm bracelets, every girl will be able to find a piece that represents them but with over 680 charms to choose from, building your own charm bracelet for the first time can be a little confusing. 

In case you're not sure where to start, I thought I would share my process with you which hopefully offers a few helpful pointers! 

1. Start with the bracelet 
When selecting a bracelet, try to look for something that you could wear from day-to-night. Something that matches the colour palette of your wardrobe and daily accessories such as your bag, watch, classic necklace or studs.

So with this in mind, here are some blank canvas bracelet options:

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If you're still unsure as to which bracelet design matches your day-to-day style, browse through Emma & Roe's pre-built bracelets or search #emmaandroe on Instagram for design inspiration. 

2. Choose Your Length 
After selecting your bracelet, depending on the size of your wrist, choose the size available that feels most comfortable on your wrist. 

3. Choose Your Charms
What represents you? 
Start with the pieces that have the most relevance to you such as your starsign, zodiac, initials or something that represent your childhood nickname.

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What/who do you love? 
Consider charms that represent your hobbies, things you love, your favourite colour, your pet(s), things that represent people you love. 

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Where have you been? 
For the girls who love to explore, find some charms to remind you of the countries you've been and save some room on your bracelet for the charms you'll purchase on your travels as a memory token. 

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What is your style? 
There are also abstract and decorative pieces to choose from, its always great to have at least 2 or more of these pieces to showcase your personal style or add colour and add balance to your bracelet's design. 

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I hope that was a helpful guide to building your own bracelet, I would love to hear how you would build your own bracelet and which charms you would choose from Emma & Roe!

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  1. Loving the sterling silver ones!

    Vivian | LIVE . IN . LOVE


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  4. Great Post and Nice Article. I Like this bracelet.Thanks for sharing.

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