Snow Leopard Top and Shorts by Cameo The Label - available at Glue Store,
Jupiter Coat by Lioness Official - available at St Frock // Photos by Tito-licious
A snow leopard was on the loose last week in the infamous blogger alleyway of Surry Hills! Except, instead of snow, a black and white filter had to suffice.
The past few months have been a whirlwind and I admit its been a while since I've done any physical shopping (or I guess anything physical for that matter..) so I may be behind on the news but
Glue Stores now stock
Cameo The Label amongst many other amazing auslabels! Hear that sound? It's the sound of my jaw dropping. I should really lurk my local stores more often.
In other news, recently I've had some comments about my blog material and how its changed over the past few years. Although I do agree that this blog has evolved from a place of personal thoughts and life reminiscence to beauty reviews and outfit posts, it has never been my intention to not share meaningful material.
I guess the more attention I started giving to fashion, the more I realised how ridiculously unaffordable most of my wishlist would aways be which made me realise that the point of difference I could offer was promoting things that were affordable and easily attainable for the every day girl, just like me!
I may have steered away from sharing my life milestones and personal experiences but as I've mentioned in my responses, I will do my best to bring that spark back ;) lately I've been spending more time looking for outdoor locations and trying to improve my photography rather than spending time giving my blog posts more depth but I'll do my best to give a bit of love to both - I would never blog at the expense of my readers and love hearing all your honest and candid feedback :)
Is there something you would like to see more of on this blog? Let me know in the comments below and I'll send you all my love!!