The first day of Spring!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Photobucket Louis Vuitton Sobe Clutch in Bleu Nuit

I'm looking past the hayfever yet to come and just looking forward to way more sun because Sydney has been deprived of it for way too long, hello Spring!

Before I carry on announcing the winner for the leather triangle necklace from ANNIEPOPSHOP I would like to take this opportunity to thank my wonderful mum.

Ever since the new semester and my new job have started simultaneously, I've worked every weekday from 9 - 5pm and sometimes even later, then push myself to study when I get home until my eyes droop. During this study time my mum is constantly checking that I'm okay, leaving bowls of fresh fruit on the kitchen table beside me and turning the heater on when I'm still awake and she's heading up for bed. Just a few weeks ago, she asked me if I wanted to go shopping with her and when I told her I had to stay home and do my work - she came home and surprised me with a gift....mum, you are extraordinary. I adore the Sobe Clutch but I adore you so-incredibly-much more :')

And coming back to the winner of the leather triangle necklace....

Congratulations Selina Liu!

Expect to be contacted very soon :)